Wednesday, April 26, 2006

Ontario Formula Ford Challenge News

Please welcome with me two new volunteer additions to the Ontario Formula Ford Challenge BARC Management Team, they are Ralph Klingmann and Gary Shortt.

Ralph will be the Chief Scorer in the Control Tower with CTA. Ralph is the head of CTA and brings with him a vast knowledge of timing and scoring. Any and all scoring issues will go through Ralph.

Also joining the team is Gary Short as Safety Director. Gary's primary function will be helping out in pit lane and all safety issues that arise at the tracks. Gary will also assist David Bayley in Tech Department. Gary Shortt has years of experience in Motorsports and is also President and CEO of Shortt's Motorsports Support.

I know everyone will welcome the newest members of your team at our season opener, June 3 & 4 at Shannonville.


David P. Hilton
Ontario Formula Ford Challenge Marketing and Promotion Manager

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