Friday, March 3, 2006

Girls of the Geneva Auto Show correspondent in Geneva has this consideration about the hostesses in Geneva:

geneva auto show girlsgeneva auto show girls 2geneva auto show girls 3geneva auto show girls 4geneva auto show girls 5geneva auto show girls 6geneva auto show girls 7geneva auto show girls 8geneva auto show girls 9geneva auto show girls 10geneva auto show girls 11geneva auto show girls 12geneva auto show girls 13geneva auto show girls 14"The beautiful girls that make the stands beautiful in this kind of events are, sadly, diminishing: compared to Geneva and Frankfurt in 2005, we estimate a worrying 20% reduction.
His judgement is that, as usual, the most beautiful girls are still those of the various italian stands: Alfa Romeo, Fiat, Maserati, Lancia, Lamborghini (alert: he might be biased!).
Source link: part 1 on by Luca ; part 2 on by Luca

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