BROSSARD, QC - The Pirelli Echo Cup organizers launched the monotype series’ second season. The series was born in 2004 thanks to the Toyota Dealer Association, Pirelli Tire Inc. and several sponsors, and was enormously successful in its first season. In 2005, it will be even more exciting as more than 30 cars will be starting next week in Saint-Eustache."The series will be even more competitive this year," explains Public Relations Manager Jean Malboeuf. "An additional dozen cars will be starting the series and our drivers now have the experience of a full season under their belt. Our small Echos are performing better than ever. The event calendar is taking a whole new dimension as we will race on more tracks and will even hold a round in Ontario. The success of the Pirelli Echo Cup series rests on the drivers and the wonderful management team."
A Coveted Title in 2005
The 2004 champion with the Futuroto Team, Jacques Bélanger, will return to defend his title against many experienced drivers such as Luc Lesage, Stéphane Trahan, Yves Legris, Bruno Carré, Jean-Sébastien Besner and Yannick Bardieux.
Sylvain Périgny, last year¹s Trac Racing Rookie of The Year, will have to give up his spot on the team to make room for other new rookies, like François Viau, Steven Leblanc and Stéphane Bastarache. However, Périgny will join the Déry Toyota Team and will be teamed up with Jean-François Veilleux, an experienced driver and past national champion. The season will undoubtedly have its share of surprises; we remember for instance the unexpected victory of Daniel Fortin in his first Mont-Tremblant race last year.
A National Event CalendarThe Pirelli Echo Cup will hold even more events for its second season. Just like last year, the first race will be held in Saint-Eustache, followed by a double header in Sanair. Then, another double header will take place on the St-Félicien track in Saguenay, with a first round in the evening. There will also be a highly anticipated visit to the Trois-Rivières Grand Prix.
The Cup will hold its first race out of Québec on the new Calabogie track, northwest of Ottawa, and the season will end during the Fall Classic on the Mont-Tremblant track.
Mechanical InnovationsFor 2005, the small Echos will remain the same, except for new Koni Sport
shocks and Snyper brakes that have been designed specifically for the
A Well Prepared Team
The main strength of the monotype series remains the excellent team of volunteers who manage the series in a very professional manner. Stéphane Gagnon was named series director while two officials, Daniel Deschamps and his assistant Martin Hardy, will ensure the cars on the tracks are up to standard. Jean Malboeuf and Bertrand Lambert will remain the main organizers.
A New ECHOCUP Website
The launch of the new season is paired with the launch of a new generation series Website. You will find the 2004 calendar and results, pictures, and driver profiles. The Pirelli ECHO Cup series is brought to you by the Québec Toyota Dealers Association, Pirelli Tires, DAI Alloys, MOMO Accessories, Cobretti Tuning, Snyper Brakes, TRD Competition Parts, TORCO Advanced Lubricants, Copie Rapide of St-Laurent, Lettrage Vision Plus and TUNING Audio and Performance. Visit our Website at
Pirelli Echo Cup - Jean Malboeuf: (514) 803 -2737 Or
Info Cup ECHO: 1-888-CUP-ECHO
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