Fisker has a dream, and an honorable one at that. "We see no reason style and performance need to be sacrificed to attain fuel efficiency and environmental responsibility," says Fisker, designer of the Aston Martin DB9, V8 Vantage, BMW Z8 and the upcoming plug-in hybrid Karma sedan. That's a tough message to get out there, though, since many people can't seem to reconcile the thought of driving excitement with environmentally friendly design.

To help break down those obvious barriers, Fisker Automotive has brought aboard Russell Datz, a man who has previously worked with Lotus for the U.S. launch of the Elise and Panoz, makers of Ford-powered boutique sportscars. Datz is also familiar with going as fast as possible, having owned an Audi 5000 Turbo Quattro and autocrossed a Honda CRX. Welcome aboard, Russell! We're happy to see a longtime gearhead filling another desk at
Fisker Automotive and wish you the best of luck in your new position.
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