Friday, January 28, 2005

DRAGS: St. Thomas court decision comes down

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From St. Thomas Dragway:

SPARTA, ON – A decision has been released on the lawsuit filed by a group of residents of Sparta against St. Thomas Dragway. In the lawsuit the plaintiffs were seeking one million dollars and the permanent closure of the track.

The court refused to order the closure of the track and only ordered the track to delay the start of racing until one P.M. on Sundays. No other restrictions were placed on the operation of the facility.

The court also commented on the involvement of the Municipality of Central Elgin in this case. The court found that the Municipality had confidentially funded the plaintiffs in the amount of one hundred thousand dollars and that the court was “somewhat troubled” by this conduct on the part of the municipality and this conduct was “ill advised”.

The court also found that the dragway employs many local youth, makes significant economic and charitable contributions to the community and that it also provides an educational component to the students in the community.

For further information, contact Dave Mathers at 519-775-2263 or visit the website at or dragway counsel Daryl Mann at 416-777-5407

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