Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Transmission – BBC Top GearThe first of our Christmas double bill – what did you think??

The first of our Christmas double bill – what did you think?

So there you have it. Top Gear is finally back on the nation’s screens: three undeniably great cars, two new haircuts, one Oscar-winning film director and a minor conflagration. Hopeless gifts were exchanged, Stigs were mown down in hails of semi-automatic gunfire, fuses were blown – a nice gentle introduction to the festive season ahead…
We hope you enjoyed the show. And, for the first time in ages, it’s the usual drill: let us know what you thought in that handy space below. If you missed it it will be repeated on BBC2 at 6.55pm on Christmas Day, or you can watch it now on iPlayer.
Meanwhile, don’t forget the second of our Christmas double bill is on this Sunday: Boxing Day on BBC2 at 8pm.
As Top Gear’s script editor Richard Porter put it in his blog post earlier this week: “You might have seen the trailer for the full majesty of our Middle East special. Trust me when I say that there is much, much more to come in the 75-minute show itself including Jeremy walking on water, Richard experiencing some severe problems with his bottom, and James making a Bible story out of a BMW automatic gearbox.”
To whet your appetite, cast your eyes below for a glimpse of what you can expect on Boxing Day and next year’s new series proper. We’ll also have a few more treats for you in the run-up to Christmas on, so keep an eye out. In the meantime, enjoy the video:

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