The India based subsidiary of the German Volkswagen group, Skoda Auto India has launched their new car Skoda Laura in the Indian market. The car is positioned in the upper premium luxury class segment and is based on the bigger A5 platform from the Volkswagen Company. The car is priced at Rs 16,81,081 (ex-showroom Delhi) and should give a competition to Mercedes C Class and other upper segment models from Toyota and Ford.
The car is essentially an updated model of the current generation Skoda Octavia but considering the difference in prices of the two models, the company decided to sell them as separate models in the Indian market. This strategy has been pretty successful for Maruti Suzuki, which continues to sell Maruti Zen, Maruti Alto, and Maruti 800 together in the Indian market.
The company plans to launch two versions of its Octavia range sometime in the first quarter of the next year. They are aiming at sales of around 4,000 units of the Laura in the next 12 months. And the Skoda fans are waiting for the company to launch the fantastic Skoda Fabia in the Indian market.
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