Tuesday, December 20, 2005

Ford struggling to sell 900,000 F-Series pickups in 2005

Ford Motor Co. still wants to sell 900,000 F-series pickups in 2005. But the year is slipping away with plenty of trucks yet to sell.

On Wednesday, Dec. 14, Ford was still shy of the goal by 65,400 trucks. That's more than it sold in all of November.
It's a tall order for dealers to sell that many in the final two weeks of December, especially with holidays.
Ford acknowledges that the 900,000 F-series target will be tough to achieve. But it isn't giving up. A dealer bonus program offers as much as $1,000 a truck sold in December. Ford is counting on dealers to crank up sales.

"This is not an easy task, but we have everybody focused on it," said Al Giombetti, Ford vice president of sales.
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