Monday, July 12, 2010

Rubens Barrichello shocks the world !!!!

A busy weekend at TopGear towers. Jeremy’s now somewhere in Johannesberg waving one of the Stig’s vuvuzela prototypes around, while script editor Richard Porter (your regular correspondent) is on his way home from the Grand Prix with half of the office, having successfully avoided the many grandees he’s offended over the years.
And the Stig. After witnessing Rubens Barrichello’s time in the Liana at the studio this week, he immediately requisitioned a passing Ferrari 458 Italia and disappeared to perma-lap the TopGear track. He was still there when we left. We hope he – and the Ferrari – are OK.
Meanwhile, here’s some extra stuff from the show filming for you. First up, a short film on the magic of Rubens and Andy Wilman’s lucky pants:

to watch the video clip click on the link below :

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