Monday, July 19, 2010

Ferrari 458 Italia: quite on fire

We know it's thoroughly passé and childish to laugh at Google translations of foreign web pages, but, hey... we're thoroughly passé and childish.

Dutch site Autogespot snapped this Ferrari 458 fire in Paris last weekend: a tragic event, doubtlessly eloquently reported in their native tongue. However, we don't speak Dutch, so we must rely on Google Translate for the full account.
Are you not so long in possession of your new car, a Ferrari 458 Italia in this case, he just flies into the fire!' reports Autogespot. 'Separate but very true.'
It is good to see that the fire started near the wheels, and soon was expanding,' the gripping narrative continues. "Fortunately there was a passer-by who happened to be a big fire extinguisher with him and he was able to extinguish the fire, according to the mocker, "to prevent further damage and explosion".'
Lucky, indeed, that a passer-by who happened to be a big fire extinguisher was on hand. Imagine the damage that could have been wreaked if that passer-by had happened to be, say, a giant matchstick...

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