Tuesday, June 29, 2010

watch the clıps ın the lınk below


We feel your pain. You watched the first episode of TopGear on Sunday night (and, if you haven’t, why the heck not? Get over to the iPlayer now! Erm, unless you live outside of the UK, in which case, as you were)… but you want More.
We are here to help. We have More. Specifically, we have a couple of most excellent outtakes from James’s trip to the Icelandic volcano.
First up, watch the man they call Delia May cooking up a delicious meal through the heat of tectonic action alone.
Next, watch James demonstrating a precision method for saving valuable seconds while deflating tyres for offroad driving. In a freezing gale. What could possibly go wrong?And, while you’re here, don’t forget to watch Jeremy’s backstage guide to Episode One. And keep checking back to TopGear.com throughout the week for even More.

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